Feeling like you're not enough? Discover how daily Tarot practices can help you combat imposter syndrome and unlock your true potential. Embrace self-...
The message for us today, courtesy of my birthday, is you get to pull yourself back into you at any point and find your peace, excitement, happiness,...
I used to remember wishing for this, wanting this so badly. I remember wishing that someone would want to be my support system, help me keep going, he...
Who am I going to be? Am I going to be who I am? Or am I going to kick and scream to be the old stuck, dusty, greyer version of myself? Am I going to...
Boom, we’re all of a sudden at the Virgo New Moon - a day past it in fact. And I’m doing my best to really tap into the energy and feel into (and figu...
I've been sitting here wanting to write about something uplifting...but all I have is the sadness. All I have is the difficult spaces of right now. Al...
So I found myself mostly going for inspiration and motivation. I wanted to - needed to - be reinspired. I needed to know that there was a way for me t...
Just like you, the things on the surface of my life are just the surface. When we check in with ourselves, we realize that there is so much going on t...
This topic has come up again in discussion in one of my beloved Facebook groups that I'm a member of. Another woman of color has decided to pack up an...
You see, I'd already moved 3 times for dance dreams. I'd left my professional dance home after years of trying, because I finally realized I'd never r...
It's important to know that not everyone gets it right on the first try. And it's important to know what it takes to keep trying. And it's personally...