written by
Leah Patterson

Unlocking Business Success: An Introduction to Tarot

Moon Vibes Business Mindset 3 min read

Today is the Leo New Moon. What a beautiful day to pick back up writing and communicating with you! As you may know, Tarot is one of my most favorite tools. I use it for insight across the board in my life and especially with my business decisions. It’s become what some would say is my “unfair advantage” in business plan terms. However you describe it, it definitely provides me clarity and confidence as I navigate the world of running my multiple businesses.

gold iPhone 6
Photographer: Soulful Stock | Source: Unsplash

The History of Tarot and Its Relevance in Business

Tarot cards have been around for centuries, with origins tracing back as far as the 15th century. Though it was initially used for playing games, it evolved into a powerful tool for divination and self-reflection. Through the unique ability of the cards to tap into the subconscious mind, it often unveils otherwise hidden insights, particularly useful for entrepreneurs in making informed decisions and navigating challenges.

How Tarot Provides Clarity in Business Decisions

If you’re like me, you’ve definitely felt stuck or unsure about what next steps to take in your business. Well the Tarot shines bright as a guiding light in seeing through this haze. Each card in the deck holds a unique meaning that can shed light on your current situation. From new ventures to team dynamics, Tarot readings can peel back layers and provide clarity and direction. I like to think of it as having a wise mentor by my side when I need it the most.

Different Types of Tarot Readings and Their Applications

There are various types of Tarot readings, each serving a different purpose. For business, some popular readings include:

- Single Card Reading: Provides quick insights into daily decisions

- Three-Card Reading: Typically past, present and future influences

- Celtic Cross Reading: Offers in-depth analysis of complex situations

The beauty of Tarot is that each reading type can be tailored to address specific business queries, making Tarot a versatile tool in your entrepreneurial toolkit. And this is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of types of readings and spreads. There are spreads specifically geared towards business and as you develop your comfort level and skill, you’ll find that you create your own as well.

Common Misconceptions About Tarot in the Business World

Despite its benefits, Tarot is often misunderstood. Some believe it's purely mystical and irrelevant to business. However, Tarot is much more about introspection than fortune-telling. It's a tool for gaining perspective,just like brainstorming sessions or strategic planning. By debunking these myths about its relevance, we can embrace Tarot as a legitimate resource for business growth.

Practical Steps to Incorporate Tarot into Your Business Routine

I hope you’re ready to begin the exciting journey of incorporating Tarot into your business routines! Here’s how to start:

  1. Choose the ‘Right Deck’: Find a deck that resonates with you. There are decks for every interest, from pastel cats to Victorian romantic art. It’s better to get a deck that you love than a deck that you feel like you “should” get. Let the artwork speak to you!
  2. Create a Sacred Space: Find a quiet, comfortable space for your readings.This doesn’t have to be dramatic. The bathroom can suffice if need be :).
  3. Set Intentions: Be as calm and clear-minded as you can and start with a specific question or intention.
  4. Regular Practice: Make Tarot a part of your regular business routine, whether daily, weekly, or monthly.
  5. Reflect and Act: Use the insights gained to make more informed decisions and take action.

By following these steps, you can harness the power of Tarot to enhance your business strategy and your personal success!

Tarot is so much more than just a mystical tool; it's a sure fire pathway to clarity and growth in your business. I hope you’re inspired to give it a try. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or just getting started, adding Tarot to your toolkit is invaluable!

If you’re curious and want to learn more, definitely check out the Quick Start Guide to Tarot for Entrepreneurs and sign up to be notified when I offer the next free Unlock the Power of Tarot for Entrepreneurial Success Workshop!
