written by
Leah Patterson

Daily Tarot Practices to Combat Imposter Syndrome

Heartset (mindset work) Depression/Anxiety Business Mindset 2 min read

"You're not good enough," it hisses, or "You don't deserve this success."

We've all been there—faced with that insidious whisper of imposter syndrome. For many of us, especially women entrepreneurs managing anxiety and depression, it's a relentless echo that saps our energy, creativity, and confidence.

So, what exactly is imposter syndrome? It's a psychological trap that makes us question our accomplishments and fear exposure as frauds. This often leads to hesitancy, excessive work to prove worth, and sadly, burnout. It's a significant hurdle and it can stagnate you so much that you can’t take bold actions, seize your opportunities, and ultimately realize your true potential.

But we’re in luck. We have a truly transformative tool in our arsenal—Tarot. Far beyond fortune-telling, Tarot is a profound method for self-exploration and personal growth. It’s especially great at pinpointing the roots of imposter syndrome, offering the clarity needed to break through these barriers.

When you draw a Tarot card, you're not just seeing a picture; you're actually engaging with your deeper self. Because the tarot is a personally informed experience through your subconscious, the imagery and symbolism reflect your inner thoughts and emotions, uncovering the hidden doubts and fears. Recognizing them allows you to start overcoming them.

Here’s how Tarot can bolster your self-confidence:

  1. Daily Draws: I’ve said this often. Begin your day with a card pull (even if with a phone app). Contemplate its message and how it speaks to your current feelings. See how it plays out through your day.
  2. Affirmation Cards: Combine Tarot imagery with affirmations. When you need a lift, draw a card and affirm its message. For instance, the Strength card can affirm your resilience, while the Empress might celebrate your creativity.
  3. Self-Compassion Spreads: Use Tarot spreads crafted to nurture self-kindness and acceptance. These can help you appreciate your accomplishments and accept your learning curves.

Transformative Practices with Tarot:

  • Morning Affirmation: "I am capable, deserving, and brimming with confidence." With your daily draw each day, see how this message is amplified through it.
  • Confidence Spread: Do this three-card layout to explore your 1. strengths, 2. challenges, 3. and steps to conquer them.
  • Self-Love Spread: This is five-card journey to 1. deepen self-love, 2.celebrating your worth, 3. uniqueness, 4. successes and 5. illuminate your best next step in loving yourself more.

Imposter syndrome need not define you. With Tarot’s insights, you can break free from self-doubt and truly embrace your fullest potential. Whether through daily draws, affirmations, or tailored spreads, you have all you need to reshape your mindset and excel in your business!

Remember, you are capable, worthy, and full of potential. Let Tarot guide you on this journey of self-discovery and watch as you rise to new levels of success and most importantly feel so much more self-assured!

positive reframing impostor syndrome Tarot self-empowerment